O inimigo de quem busca uma vida saudável está no pão, no bolo ou na cerveja. É o Glúten – uma substância encontrada no trigo, no centeio, na aveia e na cevada. Segundo médicos e especialistas, ao chegar no intestino o glúten transforma-se em uma espécie de cola grudando nas paredes intestinais. Com o passar do tempo, provoca saturação do aparelho digestivo, aumento da gordura na região do abdome, dores articulares, alergias cutâneas e depressão.
Muito desses problemas de saúde são em decorrência na mudança de cardápio dos brasileiros que passaram a comer em excesso alimentos ricos em glúten como pães, biscoitos, macarrão e bolos. Hoje até queijos embutidos vem com a substância.
O corpo responde de diversas maneiras: obesidade, síndrome de resistência à insulina, deficiência de cálcio, alergias, diarréias e doenças auto-imunes. Os chineses consideram o excesso de glúten sinal de má higiene interna já que o metabolismo emperra, favorecendo bactérias que gostam de calor e estagnação.
A dieta sem glúten é moda nas academias pois o emagrecimento e a redução de gordura na área abdominal é comprovada. Muita gente está incluindo na alimentação pães de aipim e de milho, macarrão de arroz e cookies de soja.
Intestino sem glúten produz serotonina e gera alegria é a afirmação de especialistas da área nutricional. As dificuldades no começo da dieta podem aparecer por isso uma boa dica para ter o sucesso esperado é a ingestão constante de frutas, que além de leves são nutritivas e de baixa caloria. Outro fator importante é procurar no mercado alimentos produzidos com boa qualidade.
Blog destinado a dar dicas de culinária saudável, receitas, e indicação de produtos sem glúten e sem lactose.
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Dinner Experience - FIVE
This unique experience takes place in a private setting of carefully selected high net worth individuals, national or international, that long for more than what restaurants offer. This evening takes you back to basics of eating at a private home, in a sophisticated and cosy venue, enhanced by soft washing scenic lights and pleasant background music, in Sao Paulo (Brazil) and in Miami (USA), according to time of the year and agenda.
It is a perfect ambience for networking with top executives, successful entrepreneurs, and families that appreciate the art of dining with highly cultured and well travelled people, while indulging themselves in an extraordinary health oriented food and wine tasting adventure.
It is limited to a maximum of 10 guests that must be referred or invited by someone within our trusted network, whom we know personally. Confirmation is subject to source verification. The whole experience will be personally conducted by myself and my associates, either in English, Portuguese, Spanish or Italian, according to guestsâ?? preferences. It may be conducted in two or three languages simultaneously, while guests listen, see, touch, smell, and taste each dish. Your five senses shall be awaked to the world of spices and its healing properties.
Attendees will not be disclosed in advance, and venue will vary location, as there is more than a home participating.
It will always take place in top safe areas of the city with good view and security. Do not be surprised if you bump into celebrities. No pictures are allowed, unless all guests agree to do so. Feel free to exchange business cards if you deem appropriate.
Confirmation will be sent individually.Date, time and location may not be disclosed with non-attending persons, subject to cancellation.
There are three different types of menu, being one per event. Guests may not chose which one will be offered, unless there is a group of 10 together. Dishes may not be modified, in order to preserve the whole experience.
My cuisine is non-dairy gourmet vegetarian, excluding meats, but including eggs and honey. It does not clash with most Kosher guidelines. The dishes are carefully balanced and approved by
a recognized functional nutritionist. Menus are harmonized with wines and liquors perfectly selected by Italian and Brazilian sommeliers and wine specialists.
In addition to challenging our five senses, my specialty is to create different sensations by playing with different mixes that enhance the taste buds in our tongue and vicinity. Instead of sticking to the four basic elements of taste perception: salty, sour, bitter and sweet, I concentrate my efforts on the 5th element: umami, which simply defines the like and dislike of the whole experience.
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